Inti’s Story
As a part of our ongoing series on former LegalWise participants who are now running their own legal practices, Inti Martínez-Alemán of Ceiba Fôrte Law Firm reflects on his experiences and how LegalWise can help aspiring independent legal professionals like you.
What would you say to someone thinking about applying?
CCLI, now LegalWise, was pivotal to starting my career on the right foot. It would have taken me much more headaches and nightmares to become a competent solo practitioner had CCLI not helped me set up shop.
Before you encountered LegalWise, how did you feel about starting a practice?
Skeptical. No one in my class opened their law practice straight out of law school.
What did you learn in your time with us that was most helpful?
I learned that reading up on the law and trying your best to apply it is just enough to make you an excellent lawyer. No need to aim for perfection. Clients, judges, and the Ethics Board are only looking for human excellence. Aiming for perfection only takes you down the path of frustration and despair.
What are you doing now?
Walking on my underdesk treadmill, drinking coffee from Abogados Café, smiling at the world, while working on cases for my Ceiba Fôrte Law Firm clients.