Together, we’re closing the justice gap

LegalWise is a nonprofit legal incubator for Mitchell Hamline School of Law graduates starting their own solo or small community legal practices.

We address a two-fold challenge: we connect underserved communities to lawyers, and we support lawyers starting practices in their communities. Learn about our program or find legal help.

What is the justice gap?

The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) defines the justice gap as the difference between the civil legal needs of low-income and underserved Americans and the resources available to meet those needs. Millions of Americans live in these “legal deserts,” geographic areas and demographic communities that do not have ready access to legal professionals. Without representation, these populations are left with little opportunity to properly represent themselves and their community’s interests in times of both opportunity and crisis.

Empowering lawyers to serve their communities

In an effort to eradicate legal deserts, LegalWise supports, educates, and inspires Mitchell Hamline graduates who are growing solo and small community law practices.

How we close the gap

  • Mentoring

    With our volunteer partners, we offer mentoring, training, and access to client referrals through our nationwide progam.

  • Networking

    Time and time again, participants say the connections they get are among the aspects of our program they treasure most.

  • Hands-on Experience

    Demystify accounting, financial management, marketing, business planning and more through our workshops and presentations.

  • Attorney Peer Support

    Need perspective? Legal professionals are available to answer questions and compare notes as you move through your journey.

John E. Roach, RAM Law PLLC

“Applying to join the incubator program was probably the best decision I made in terms of growing and developing my legal practice … I cannot overstate how important LegalWise was to growing my business.”

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